Hey Web,
So last night I went out on the town for a friends birthday, and we all dressed as geeks.
It was a pretty good night and I was still feeling it when I got up this morning.
But lets have a minute to think about all the DICKS that can't handle alcohol and end up starting on someone or being sick at 11! Who's sick at 11 seriously. If you have drunk hard and you do throw up in the early hours of the morning then well done you have earned that badge and then you never have to do that again. But 11! Come on just go back home and put your night light on, because otherwise you will have nightmares.
Also to all those out there that drink and then think "I'm the best", "Nobody can touch me", "Get out of my way because I'm so much better than you".
Go fuck your self.
And if you start on somebody half your size and a girl, just to make yourself look tough.
Your just a moron, and you deserve what is coming to you.
(Breath in, Breath out)
Rant over
Much love
Yours Frank
11's pretty early to be ralphing....